Kaya 959 Sidebar with Sindi

Sidebar with Sindi

Sidebar with Sindi is an extension of the vibrant personality that is Dr Sindi Van Zyl. While Dr. Sindi is known for her work as a medical doctor, this show will explore multiple facets of life with the overarching theme of family.
Sidebar with Sindi is about having and facilitating empowering, insightful and inclusive conversations between listeners and subject experts for lasting and holistic impact on those who participate in the conversations without fear of judgement.
English Explicit South Africa Personal Journals · Health & Fitness
96 Episodes
80 – 96

What is lobola( money) used for in this modern age?

Lobola, which traditionally paid with cattle in the African cultures, it is still relevant even today as it plays a significant role in our African tradition. However, it has over the years increased to exorbitant amounts, which tightly linked with education, success of a woman and again with the suitability…
Season 0 / Episode 0 53 min

International Girl Child Day

On the 11th October 2019, it was “International Girl Child” day, and Dr Sindi payed homage to girl children. She spoke to girl children about their lives, goals, plans and their views with what is happening around the world.
Season 0 / Episode 0 53 min

Does being plus size make you unfit?

Does being plus size make you unfit? Does being plus size mean you’re unfit? Dr Sindi Van Zyl in conversation with Nurse Cilinician & Motivational Speaker, Angela Motsusi and Dietition, Ria Tintswalo Mojapelo.
Season 0 / Episode 0 52 min

World Mental Health Day

How are workspaces contributing to this growing number and how does this affect employees' lives? Dr Sindi Van Zyl in conversation with Dr Thabani Nkwanyana, Central Nervous System Portfolio Manager at Pharma Dynamics, Abdurahman Kenny and Board Member of NPO called “The Lupus Dive”, Kgali Thabalala
Season 0 / Episode 0 55 min

SADAG Support Group Awareness Week

Dr Sindi Van Zyl speaks to members of the SADAG support groups to raise awareness and find out what help they offer and how they can be of service to those affected by mental illness.
Season 0 / Episode 0 54 min

Managing money and your relationship

Sotho Meyer is in conversation with Shafeeka Anthony and Sarah Nicholson from the personal finance website JustMoney about how to manage money and your relationships.
Season 0 / Episode 0 56 min

Q&A with the family law clinic

Sotho Meyer takes the listener’s questions and answers from Cheryl Webb at the Family Law Clinic focusing on custody, maintenance and guardianship.
Season 0 / Episode 0 52 min
80 – 96