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Weekly English Germany News
120 Episodes
1 – 20

AfricaLink News bulletin: 03 June 2024

South Africa's ANC fails to secure majority win+++Burkina Faso among world's neglected conflicts+++Claudia Sheinbaum is elected Mexico's first woman president by a landslide
3 Jun 3 min

AfricaLink podcast: How safe are African skies?

Several incidents of severe turbulence on international flights and the recent helicopter crashes of Iran's president and Kenya's chief of defense staff, have raised concerns within the aviation industry. Is it a question of bad weather forecasting or airworthiness of aircrafts?
31 May 29 min

AfricaLink on Air - 28 May 2024

Why is menstruating a taboo in parts of Africa? How Malawian schoolgirls deal with menstruation periods+++Ending period poverty by using banana fiber pads
28 May 29 min

DW AfricaLink — South Africa gears up for vital election

Early voting is already underway in South Africa, so we preview the election in Africa's most advanced economy. From power cuts to mass unemployment, there is plenty to irk voters. But will this translate into the African National Congress losing its political grip on the Rainbow Nation?
27 May 29 min

AfricaLink on Air - 20 May 2024

Tackling oil theft in Nigeria's Niger Delta+++Contraceptives use on the rise in Zambia+++Uproar over Zambia's plan to regulate social media
20 May 29 min

AfricaLink on Air - 14 May 2024

Inside Uganda's chaotic census+++Countdown begins to South Africa's general elections+++M23 rebels in DRC advance in northern Kivu
14 May 29 min

DW AfricaLink -- Why is Sudan still at war a year on?

It's been a year since fighting broke out in Sudan between the army and paramilitaries. Thousands have been killed, and more than 8.5 million people have been displaced. The United Nations has called it the biggest humanitarian crisis and has warned of a looming famine.
13 May 29 min

DW AfricaLink -- The US-Africa busines scene

The United States is definitely interested in doing business with Africa and talks about "shared prosperity" and the importance of the African diaspora. But what value does the US market have for African business owners and entrepreneurs, and do US companies with operations in Africa actually contribute to economies?
10 May 29 min

DW AfricaLink — Somaliland's campaign for recognition

Somaliland's campaign for recognition started more than three decades ago. Now, the self-governing region of Somalia expects to finalize a controversial deal that will make Ethiopia the first country to do so. The move comes despite strong objection from Mogadishu. Somaliland is just one of the numerous regions of Africa…
9 May 29 min
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