BBC Money Box

Money Box

All that matters about money with Paul Lewis. News of savings and investments, credit cards and loans, pensions, banking, tax, benefits and giving to charity. The UK's premier weekly round-up of personal finance from the BBC.
Weekly English United Kingdom Business
8 Episodes

Digital Exclusion and National Insurance credits

Digitally excluded. An elderly couple have their accounts frozen because their documents were out of date - despite having being customers for their bank for nearly two decades. We hear from Tom and Marian Doughty who say they were left with weeks of sleepless nights.Can you boost your state pension…
1 Jun 25 min

Money Box Live: The Cost of Caring

Unpaid carers spend at least 35 hours a week looking after someone close to them. That someone may have an illness, a disability, a mental health problem or even an addiction, but what matters is that they cannot cope without that care.There are almost 6 million unpaid carers in the…
29 May 28 min

Carers Allowance and Minimum Payments on Credit Cards

A senior MP has told Money Box that the government must take urgent action to stop carers working up thousands of pounds of debt after unwittingly receiving overpayments of Carer's Allowance. Unpaid carers, who look after a loved one full time, are entitled to nearly £82 per week in Carer's…
25 May 26 min

Money Box Live: What's going on with leasehold?

Around 10 million people across the UK live in a leasehold property. That means they viewed the house or flat, bought it, may be paying off a mortgage to eventually own it outright. However, they are actually tenants of whoever owns the freehold. What they have bought is the right…
22 May 29 min

New Fraud Refund Rules and ISA Changes

New regulations aim to ensure that victims of fraud are treated fairly, no matter who they trust with their money. The financial watchdog, the Payment Systems Regulator, says many firms are not doing enough to refund victims of authorised push payment fraud. Currently the majority of high street banks are…
18 May 25 min

Money Box Live: Can you afford your car?

This week car insurance bosses, appeared in front of MP's as part of an investigation into the cost of premiums.They're continuing to rise and according to price comparison site Compare the Market are up 46% over the last year, making the typical payment for comprehensive insurance £892 a year. Consumer…
15 May 30 min

Carer's Allowance and Car Insurance Costs

Tens of thousands of people who juggle caring for a loved one and having a job may be forced to cut the hours they work, according to the charity Carers UK. In April the National Living Wage was increased to £11.44, but the earnings limit for the Carer's Allowance did…
11 May 25 min

Money Box Live: Can you Beat your Bills?

Data from the Financial Conduct Authority suggests fewer of us are struggling to pay our bills compared to last year, but the numbers are still high.The watchdog says more than 7 million people were finding it tough to pay bills and make repayments on borrowing at the start of the…
8 May 28 min