Ken Jou Regte met Honey Prokureurs: Regte en verpligtinge van ouers
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Marga van Aardt, kenner in familiereg gesels oor die regte en verpligtinge van ouers ten aansien van kinders.
As Director at Honey Attorneys in the Family Law and Dispute Resolution Department, Marga specialises in Family Law.
Marga completed her LL. B degree in 2012 and her LL.M degree in 2013 at the University of the Free State. In the same year she commenced her articles at Honey Attorneys, and in 2014 was promoted to Professional Assistant. In 2019 Marga was appointed as Director, specialising in Family Law.
As Director at Honey Attorneys in the Family Law and Dispute Resolution Department, Marga specialises in Family Law.
Marga completed her LL. B degree in 2012 and her LL.M degree in 2013 at the University of the Free State. In the same year she commenced her articles at Honey Attorneys, and in 2014 was promoted to Professional Assistant. In 2019 Marga was appointed as Director, specialising in Family Law.