Olympian Gill Sanders, Rudolf Naude, Que Lebatha and Raynard Tissink
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It has been a REALLY busy week at Talk SA HQ this week. We’ve made a few major changes behind the scenes and one really big one on the website. We have migrated across to Sound Cloud. If you download the podcast through iTunes this change won’t affect you at all, but if you listen to and download the podcast through our website we hope you like the change. We chat about it a bit more on this week’s show. On Episode 12 we also:Chat to South African triathlete Gillian Sanders, who competed at the ITU Grand Final in London last weekend.Caught up with Rudolf Naude following his return for racing in the under 23’s in London.Have an inspiring chat with Que Lebatha who is on track to race her first full Ironman in April next year in Port ElizabethTouch base briefly with Reinhardt Tissink to chat triathlon and a few other things including running the Comrades Marathon in 2014.If you would like to subscribe to our weekly podcast on iTunes you can click here or on the RSS feed by clicking here. You can also be in touch via email or following us on Twitter or Like Tri Talk SA on Facebook