Metro Community Hero - Romanzo. A. P Steenkamp
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In Katutura there is a centre called Lidar Community Foundation. When Covid 19 appeared on the horizon, Romanzo Steenkamp vowed Never to Surrender or Give up. Romanzo is unemployed and homeless himself. But yet in his own inadversities he keeps giving back to the community. Living his dream sharing humanity, love, caring, dignity and respect. Thinking outside the box he Implemened resilience, diversification and sustainability at the centre. The core beneficiaries are young girls and women from the NO/LOW INCOME Segment. Romanzo believes in his community work. Romanzo decided not only to FEED beneficiaries but also to train these young girls and women basic cooking and baking skills to become self-sustainable. During days of training they manage to feed +/- 200 people daily. It was indeed heartwarming to see their spirits lifted. Beneficiaries received daily nicely cooked pasta, nutritional veggie chicken stew with freshly back bread and something sweet