All Hail New Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms
Joined by special guest -
@clairemawisa, The Night’s Watch unpacks the oh-so beautiful 2nd episode of Game Of Thrones season 8 titled ‘A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms’ . Defined by some cast members as the calm before the storm, the episode seemed to honor the characters on the eve of the biggest battle in television history. Are we ready for them to die? Find out in this episode and connect with @mslelob @thulasindi @tarantular & @pearloysias via social media #TheNightsWatchSA
@clairemawisa, The Night’s Watch unpacks the oh-so beautiful 2nd episode of Game Of Thrones season 8 titled ‘A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms’ . Defined by some cast members as the calm before the storm, the episode seemed to honor the characters on the eve of the biggest battle in television history. Are we ready for them to die? Find out in this episode and connect with @mslelob @thulasindi @tarantular & @pearloysias via social media #TheNightsWatchSA