Sex Coaching, with Dr Patti Britton - S4E2
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There’s often a lot that can be confusing about seeking help for sexual concerns. Who do you see, what type of professional is right for your needs, how do you avoid seeing a charlatan? I spoke to the eminent Dr Patti Britton, who is prolific in the field of sexuality both for her work with clients and her training of sexual health professionals. Patti and I unpack the differences for you between sex coaching and sex therapy, and help you understand what to look for and expect when seeing someone to overcome sexual concerns.
Dr. Patti is a Clinical Sexologist, Sexuality Educator and is known as the “Mother of Sex Coaching” with top level credentials. As a well-respected world leader in sexology, she is an academic, author, popular speaker, trainer and workshop leader, and hosts over 40 DVDs for couples’ sexual enhancement. She is a frequent guest on summits, television shows, documentaries, live talk and news radio, podcasts and magazines, such as Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Women’s Health. She has a private practice near Los Angeles and via Zoom globally. Dr. Patti is the Co-Founder of SexCoachU, the world’s premier credentialing and training organization for sex coaching. Dr. Patti accepts VIP sex coaching clients, especially those referred by their therapist.
You can access Dr Patti’s work here: www.BrittonMastermind.com or https://drpattibritton.com/
Sex Coach U website: https://sexcoachu.com/
Her free workbook is available here:
Her brilliant textbook on developing and running a SAR is available on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Designing-Leading-Successful-Patti-Britton/dp/1138236993
This week’s episode is sponsored by My Sexual Health – Credible Sexual Health Providers. Mysexualhealth.co.za is an online destination where you can find or become a Credible Sexual Health Provider.
You can access the Sexology Training Club via the website on: Sexology Courses
And My Sexual Health: Sexual Health & Sex
Dr. Patti is a Clinical Sexologist, Sexuality Educator and is known as the “Mother of Sex Coaching” with top level credentials. As a well-respected world leader in sexology, she is an academic, author, popular speaker, trainer and workshop leader, and hosts over 40 DVDs for couples’ sexual enhancement. She is a frequent guest on summits, television shows, documentaries, live talk and news radio, podcasts and magazines, such as Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Women’s Health. She has a private practice near Los Angeles and via Zoom globally. Dr. Patti is the Co-Founder of SexCoachU, the world’s premier credentialing and training organization for sex coaching. Dr. Patti accepts VIP sex coaching clients, especially those referred by their therapist.
You can access Dr Patti’s work here: www.BrittonMastermind.com or https://drpattibritton.com/
Sex Coach U website: https://sexcoachu.com/
Her free workbook is available here:
Her brilliant textbook on developing and running a SAR is available on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Designing-Leading-Successful-Patti-Britton/dp/1138236993
This week’s episode is sponsored by My Sexual Health – Credible Sexual Health Providers. Mysexualhealth.co.za is an online destination where you can find or become a Credible Sexual Health Provider.
You can access the Sexology Training Club via the website on: Sexology Courses
And My Sexual Health: Sexual Health & Sex