E057 Sangeeta Leach - #WisdomPersonified - conversations with Dudu Msomi
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There is a quote that says, “Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.” Sangeeta Leach is someone I proudly claim as a friend. From the instance you meet Sangs, her intelligence is palpable. Even at a young age, she was also undoubtedly wise as evident in her good judgement, behaviour, problem solving abilities and understanding of the human condition.
Sangeeta Leach is the co-owner of The Leach Partnership based in #Sydney, Australia which she runs with her husband William Leach. I first met Sangs, as I call her, in 1996 when she moved to South Africa from #India via #Nairobi, #Kenya where she worked and lived for a couple of years. We were colleagues at #Saatchi & Saatchi #Advertising and soon became firm friends. Not even the distance of her moving to Sydney, #Australia could break the bond. One of Sangeeta’s core principles is that one should interact with people as people to be met rather than people to be solved. I love her #wisdom when she says, “A principle is not a #principle until you put it to the test”. Priceless!
You know the times when you engage in something. And after it is done, you are so dissatisfied with how you have spent your time that you decry that you want your time back? This is not one of those conversations. There are themes that come out of this conversation that can be fleshed out into a #Masterclass. Do yourself a service. Make time for this episode of Wisdom Personified Conversations with Dudu Msomi!
#entrepreneurs #creativity #creativecompanies #strategy #value worklifeintegration #diversityandinclusion
Sangeeta Leach is the co-owner of The Leach Partnership based in #Sydney, Australia which she runs with her husband William Leach. I first met Sangs, as I call her, in 1996 when she moved to South Africa from #India via #Nairobi, #Kenya where she worked and lived for a couple of years. We were colleagues at #Saatchi & Saatchi #Advertising and soon became firm friends. Not even the distance of her moving to Sydney, #Australia could break the bond. One of Sangeeta’s core principles is that one should interact with people as people to be met rather than people to be solved. I love her #wisdom when she says, “A principle is not a #principle until you put it to the test”. Priceless!
You know the times when you engage in something. And after it is done, you are so dissatisfied with how you have spent your time that you decry that you want your time back? This is not one of those conversations. There are themes that come out of this conversation that can be fleshed out into a #Masterclass. Do yourself a service. Make time for this episode of Wisdom Personified Conversations with Dudu Msomi!
#entrepreneurs #creativity #creativecompanies #strategy #value worklifeintegration #diversityandinclusion