E067 - Pepe Marais- #WisdomPersonified - conversations with Dudu Msomi
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I love genuine, vulnerable, passionate, compassionate, insightful, intelligent and wise Humans. Those are truly powerful individuals. Pepe is all of these. And more.
Pepe Marais is the Founding Partner and Group Chief Creative Officer of the #brand and #communications group Joe Public United, ranked as one of the top independent and fastest growing South African #advertising groups. He has been the recipient of numerous local and international industry awards. Pepe is the author of Growing Greatness and 20 Habits that break habits. He describes himself as a purpose-driven individual who is passionate about human potential and the growth and development of people, including his own. Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”. It is truly fascinating to meet a human being who embraces remaking himself every time he knows better. He strives to do better.
To use his own words from his book, ‘Growing Greatness: A Journey towards personal and business mastery’, Pepe says, “I may not be greater than Steve Jobs, but equally, I see myself as nothing less. I am Pepe Marais and my name resides comfortably within the word ‘peOpLe’. Because I care about myself as a person. And I care for others. Deeply. I exist for growth. I exist for those around me to be the best that they can possibly be”.
I would venture to say that from this conversation, what will be true of its impact on your life is captured in this #wisdom: “Though you can easily count the seeds in an apple; it’s impossible to count the apples in a seed”. The ripple effect of the pearls of wisdom shared, will have an influence and effect, subconsciously, beyond what you could imagine. You will ponder over the wisdom shared for months. Unexpectedly. And you will find yourself more conscious of what you do and how you do it. Most importantly, how you make people around you. Feel.
Enjoy this episode of Wisdom Personified Conversations with Dudu Msomi. But don’t just watch. Send the conversation on. Ensure that you subscribe, and help us to grow this channel so we can spread wisdom that builds and nourishes, mind and spirit, far and wide.
#dudumsomi #pepe #pepemarais #wisdompersonified #leadership #JoePublic
Pepe Marais is the Founding Partner and Group Chief Creative Officer of the #brand and #communications group Joe Public United, ranked as one of the top independent and fastest growing South African #advertising groups. He has been the recipient of numerous local and international industry awards. Pepe is the author of Growing Greatness and 20 Habits that break habits. He describes himself as a purpose-driven individual who is passionate about human potential and the growth and development of people, including his own. Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”. It is truly fascinating to meet a human being who embraces remaking himself every time he knows better. He strives to do better.
To use his own words from his book, ‘Growing Greatness: A Journey towards personal and business mastery’, Pepe says, “I may not be greater than Steve Jobs, but equally, I see myself as nothing less. I am Pepe Marais and my name resides comfortably within the word ‘peOpLe’. Because I care about myself as a person. And I care for others. Deeply. I exist for growth. I exist for those around me to be the best that they can possibly be”.
I would venture to say that from this conversation, what will be true of its impact on your life is captured in this #wisdom: “Though you can easily count the seeds in an apple; it’s impossible to count the apples in a seed”. The ripple effect of the pearls of wisdom shared, will have an influence and effect, subconsciously, beyond what you could imagine. You will ponder over the wisdom shared for months. Unexpectedly. And you will find yourself more conscious of what you do and how you do it. Most importantly, how you make people around you. Feel.
Enjoy this episode of Wisdom Personified Conversations with Dudu Msomi. But don’t just watch. Send the conversation on. Ensure that you subscribe, and help us to grow this channel so we can spread wisdom that builds and nourishes, mind and spirit, far and wide.
#dudumsomi #pepe #pepemarais #wisdompersonified #leadership #JoePublic