John Wanarua, Archery Specialist at Griffin Falls Camp
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For many years tropical rain forests have been known as sources of firewood, charcoal, timber, wild meat…… but now they have become major tourist destinations for recreational activities and ARCHERY being one of them!!
John Wanarua, of Kenya, is an archery specialist and part of the Kenyan National Team. He is very passionate about his sport and loves every opportunity to show others why its a great activity. Here he talks to Geniene Preston about the sport and his ambitions.
The bows and arrows which are traditionally known for warfare (protection) and hunting (production) are now in the modern age turned into weapons of a sport “ARCHERY” that has been introduced in MABIRA FOREST at the GRIFFIN FALLS CAMP. and is overseen by John and his team.
John Wanarua, of Kenya, is an archery specialist and part of the Kenyan National Team. He is very passionate about his sport and loves every opportunity to show others why its a great activity. Here he talks to Geniene Preston about the sport and his ambitions.
The bows and arrows which are traditionally known for warfare (protection) and hunting (production) are now in the modern age turned into weapons of a sport “ARCHERY” that has been introduced in MABIRA FOREST at the GRIFFIN FALLS CAMP. and is overseen by John and his team.