Healing South Africa’s Father Wound | TT Mbha

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Fathers, you are the most important men in your children’s lives. Your role is irreplaceable. How you pitch up as a man and as a father will have a life-long of impact on your children. But in South Africa over 60% are growing up without a present father. Research has shown a clear and undeniable link between absent fathers and major social issues such as gender-based violence, low education outcomes, mental illness, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and crime. How do we end the epidemic of fatherlessness and heal our nation’s gaping father wound?

There are many things that rail against us as men being good and present fathers; economics, our own personal wounds, circumstances and sometimes even the mothers of our children. Join Craig Wilkinson as he speaks to TT Mbha, leader and founder of Amatyma network and host of upcoming SABC 2 show “Like Tyma, Like Ntwana”, to learn the keys of being an excellent and engaged father, and how we can stand together as men and women and heal this nation by being dangerous to fatherlessness.
31 Jul 2024 English South Africa Society & Culture · Self-Improvement

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