Inside the Mind of a True Freedom Fighter | Seth Mazibuko

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The dangers to society come in many different forms and change from one generation to the next but the strength and character needed to fight against them remain the same. History has thrown war, slavery, corruption, injustice, poverty and countless other malignant forces against humanity but it has never failed to produce brave men and women to stand against them.

Seth Mazibuko is such a person. He was the youngest member of the group of students that led the 1976 Soweto uprising and held prisoner for 7 years on Robben Island. He sacrificed freedom and safety in the fight against apartheid and he continues to fight today against corruption and oppression of a different sort, heading up the Moral Regeneration Movement.

Join Craig and Seth in this profound conversation about courage, sacrifice and the fight for true freedom. Learn how to be an activist for love and truth and a danger to corruption and oppression in all its forms. Be inspired to be the change you want to see in the world.
7 Aug 2024 English South Africa Society & Culture · Self-Improvement

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