The Vuk'bangene Breakfast Show host Sinezi M and Bandile Madinane had an interview with Nothando Ngcobo
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The Vuk'bangene Breakfast show host Sinezi M and Bandile Madinane were joined by Nothando Ngcobo. Nothando Ngcobo who stands as a beacon of talent and compassion. Known for her electrifying performances on SABC 1's hit TV series
“Uzalo”, where she embodies the character Hlelo with finesse, Nothando's passion for the arts
knows no bounds. Her presence has graced other notable shows like “Lingashoni” and “One Time Pin”, joined Vuk'ubangene Breakfast Show with Snezy M and Bandziva to share her journey as an actress .
“Uzalo”, where she embodies the character Hlelo with finesse, Nothando's passion for the arts
knows no bounds. Her presence has graced other notable shows like “Lingashoni” and “One Time Pin”, joined Vuk'ubangene Breakfast Show with Snezy M and Bandziva to share her journey as an actress .