THE SCIENCE INSIDE - 23rd Winter Olympics
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The 23rd Winter Olympics are underway in Pyeongchang, South Korea. We
look at how fake snow is made and the effects of climate change on
snow sports with professor Marius Mayer of the Ernst Moritz
Arndt-University in
Greifswald, he tells us more. In Unscience, mining other planets for
diamonds could be a thing of the future. Lastly, Professor Robert
Millar from the University of Pretoria explains his work in reproductive
neuroendocrinology and how it's been successfully used in treating
life-threatening diseases.
look at how fake snow is made and the effects of climate change on
snow sports with professor Marius Mayer of the Ernst Moritz
Arndt-University in
Greifswald, he tells us more. In Unscience, mining other planets for
diamonds could be a thing of the future. Lastly, Professor Robert
Millar from the University of Pretoria explains his work in reproductive
neuroendocrinology and how it's been successfully used in treating
life-threatening diseases.