Masa To The World!
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We weighed in on a number of trending issues such as the ST Johns incident amongst other things. Caroleen Masa came through for this episode and we had a lot to catch up on. We spoke about her upcoming EP, sacrifices she's had to make for her passion, the need for the local music industry to make use of song writers and her upcoming performance at the Jacaranda Festival. Would you ever consider getting a bite massage???? Find out more about that in our sound bite segment. And you don't want to miss our celebrity story segment as Caroleen tells us about an awkward moment she had with Micasa in the VIP section of a club.
We sincerely apologize for the glitch @ the 7min:33 second mark.
NB: Teodoro was found with 1.4 million in cash and watches worth 15 million dollars.
We sincerely apologize for the glitch @ the 7min:33 second mark.
NB: Teodoro was found with 1.4 million in cash and watches worth 15 million dollars.