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Philip Cousins nominated his colleague and, Gill Ryan, for the Hot 91.9FM Christmas Wish.
In his email, Philip writes: 'Gill is a single income earner who struggles financially. She takes care of her brother who is sickly and wheelchair bound. Gill has to help him around. Neither of them are on a medical aid and have to spend countless hours at government hospitals for assistance. A week ago Gill slipped in the driveway at work and fell on her face. She still has a blue eye.’
Philip also told us that the fall shattered Gill’s glasses. Since then she has been getting by with an older pair of spectacles. However, because they’re the incorrect prescription, they are causing her headaches and she is struggling to see.
Gill has obtained a quote for a new pair. Unfortunately, the cost of replacement is in the region of R5000 - money she simply does not have.
Philip asked Hot 91.9FM Christmas Wish to step in and help Gill out with a new pair of glasses, which we gladly did.
Thanks to our friends at Mellins i - Style we were able to arrange a full assessment for Gill, ensuring that she is fitted with the correct pair of spectacles.
And, to really spread some Christmas love and cheer, Hot Cares gave Gill a R10 000 gift card to spoil herself and her brother.
We wish them both a very merry Christmas and a crystal clear 2019!
In his email, Philip writes: 'Gill is a single income earner who struggles financially. She takes care of her brother who is sickly and wheelchair bound. Gill has to help him around. Neither of them are on a medical aid and have to spend countless hours at government hospitals for assistance. A week ago Gill slipped in the driveway at work and fell on her face. She still has a blue eye.’
Philip also told us that the fall shattered Gill’s glasses. Since then she has been getting by with an older pair of spectacles. However, because they’re the incorrect prescription, they are causing her headaches and she is struggling to see.
Gill has obtained a quote for a new pair. Unfortunately, the cost of replacement is in the region of R5000 - money she simply does not have.
Philip asked Hot 91.9FM Christmas Wish to step in and help Gill out with a new pair of glasses, which we gladly did.
Thanks to our friends at Mellins i - Style we were able to arrange a full assessment for Gill, ensuring that she is fitted with the correct pair of spectacles.
And, to really spread some Christmas love and cheer, Hot Cares gave Gill a R10 000 gift card to spoil herself and her brother.
We wish them both a very merry Christmas and a crystal clear 2019!