#0 #SidebarWithSindi: Are straight people good allies to LGBTQ community in the workplace?
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Allyship is not an identity—it is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people.
While progress has been made, many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people still worry that revealing their sexuality at work will have negative consequences. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who are 'out' at work waste little energy hiding aspects of their personalities, meaning they feel more confident and progress within the business. However, many remain in the closet.
While progress has been made, many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people still worry that revealing their sexuality at work will have negative consequences. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who are 'out' at work waste little energy hiding aspects of their personalities, meaning they feel more confident and progress within the business. However, many remain in the closet.