#0  #SidebarWithSindi: #TALKINGDIVORCE - Why Are You Considering Filing For Divorce Right Now?

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It’s commonly held belief that a high divorce rate is a new trend of a lazier generation that refuse to “stick it out” and make a marriage work.

A research survey conducted by Pew Research in 2014 found that 40% of South Africans took moral objection to divorce – versus a combined 31% of people who said it was fine, or not a question of morality at all.

Communication is the biggest problem in marriages. “People find it difficult to communicate with each other – and after the initial infatuation period, reality hits home.”

Finances are another issue – particularly in south Africa, where we live in tough economic times.

This is reflected in Stats SA’s data, based on divorce numbers from 2012, which showed that 24.3% of divorces are between couples not economically active.

Another factor leading to divorce is a lack of basic human values, where the attorney sees high levels of infidelity.

“Marriage is hard work..whatever you want to succeed at in life that has value, needs hard work and effort. You reap what you sow,”

Season 0 / Episode 0 10 Jul 2019 English Explicit South Africa Personal Journals · Health & Fitness

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