LETTER: How will law treat gun-wielding shopper?
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It will be interesting to see how the charge against the woman who pointed her gun at “protesting” EFF members is going to be handled. It has taken ages for the case against EFF leader Julius Malema to go anywhere.
Irony of ironies, Malema was charged for committing a similar offence. Will “Annie Oakley” be treated in similar fashion? Or does cowpoke Juju enjoy political privilege not reserved for ordinary gun-toting citizens?
What’s the bet that the case against Annie will speed through, with a stiff penalty facing her, as opposed to Juju’s, which is bound to drag on.
There’s no question that given the present situation in the country, toting a gun in public must be considered a serious offence. And it is expected from the courts that they’ll impose the same sentence on all culprits.
This is an ideal test case for the judiciary. Or will our law still be considered an ass, with Juju coming off scot-free as usual?
Cliff Buchler
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Irony of ironies, Malema was charged for committing a similar offence. Will “Annie Oakley” be treated in similar fashion? Or does cowpoke Juju enjoy political privilege not reserved for ordinary gun-toting citizens?
What’s the bet that the case against Annie will speed through, with a stiff penalty facing her, as opposed to Juju’s, which is bound to drag on.
There’s no question that given the present situation in the country, toting a gun in public must be considered a serious offence. And it is expected from the courts that they’ll impose the same sentence on all culprits.
This is an ideal test case for the judiciary. Or will our law still be considered an ass, with Juju coming off scot-free as usual?
Cliff Buchler
JOIN THE DISCUSSION: Send us an e-mail with your comments. Letters of more than 300 words will be edited for length. Send your letter by e-mail to letters@businesslive.co.za (mailto:%20letters@businesslive.co.za). Anonymous correspondence will not be published. Writers should include a daytime telephone number.