Kaya 959 Saturday Breakfast

Saturday Breakfast

This is a music lifestyle show where Sotho shares what Joburg has to offer. Whether you’re into sports, food or family, Saturday Breakfast with Sotho Meyer will ensure that you informed on what is happening in and around your city.
Daily English South Africa Religion & Spirituality
134 Episodes
60 – 80

Sotho speaks to That Fun Fit Guy Herkie Du Preez about Fitness After Dark.

Fitness After Dark starts summer by hosting an interactive high energy event of dance and fitness activities. The event brings something different and enjoyable while having a workout. That Fit Fun Fest features club lights, DJ vibes and dance that combine together to create a fun and upbeat experience.
18 Nov 2019 3AM 4 min

Sotho speaks to Paul Castilo about the 2019 Foam Colour Run.

Foam, foam, and more foam! We’ve heard about colour runs where people run through streams of coloured powder, but here is something out of the ordinary – The Foam Colour Run. Yes, our minds are just as blown as yours. This event will definitely keep you talking and begging for…
9 Sep 2019 4AM 3 min

Sotho speaks to chef Zanele van Zyl about her journey in the culinary world.

Coming from humble beginnings and growing up in the village of Bergville in Kwa Zulu Natal, Zanele Van Zyl has successfully managed to turn her passion into a career. Zanele's tenacity and entrepreneurial nature led her to start the “Cooking With Zanele” classes where she teaches and shares her passion…
9 Sep 2019 4AM 8 min

Sotho speaks to KidsCon Event Director Carla Massmann.

The highly anticipated Comic Con Africa 2019 welcomes the youngest member of the family to its spectacular four day offering, KidsCon! Get Ready for the most exciting family-friendly, kids-oriented convention! As the first and entirely Kid focused convention in Africa, KidsCon is taking the term ‘fun and games’ to the…
2 Sep 2019 3AM 4 min

Sotho speaks to Young and Yoga Founder Mandi Stock.

Youth is freedom. It’s daily serendipity. It's that spoonful of broccoli. Through Yoga, we unlock the magic of Mindfulness with exercise in our children’s development. Young and Yoga exists to help your children build the tools needed in better dealing with these realities, and their busy lifestyles – not only…
21 Aug 2019 5AM 5 min
60 – 80