Hi there, I'm Mickey Roothman, a Transformational Breakthrough Coach, Speaker,, Strategist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner and your host right here on Breakthrough.

When life or business isn't going the way we want it to, all we truly want is a breakthrough. But most of the time we have no clue how to get it, right?

On the Breakthrough Podcast each episode is jam packed with the most powerful and actionable tips, tools, strategies, guidance and advice that has worked for me personally and for hundreds of my clients.

I want to help YOU to take massive leaps forward towards creating the life and business of your dreams, with absolute ease!

If you're ready to get unstuck, move forward and finally get your BREAKTHROUGH then this is the place to be.

The Breakthrough Podcast is the next best thing to having me and many other amazing mentors, coaches and thought leaders I get to chat with, as your own personal coaches and mentors on your personal and professional growth and development journey.


Welcome & Enjoy!
Monthly English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business Narrated by A variety of other dynamic thought leaders
48 Episodes
1 – 20

#50 - Its Okay To Not Be Okay ... Even for Leaders & Mentors

In today's culture, toxic positivity is perpetuated and celebrated with likes, followers and validation. But, it isn't serving anyone you are leading and it certainly isn't serving you. Speaking up about not being okay or not having all of the answers is exceptionally more difficult for those who are in…
18 Aug 28 min

#47 - Too Much Water Under The Bridge? | Not Necessarily A Bad Thing

We inherit many sayings from our parents, caregivers, piers, society and the media. One of those sayings is "There's too much water under the bridge" or "Its water under the bridge". We usually say or view it as a not so good or a negative thing. But it doesn't have…
23 Feb 12 min

#45 - Expand Your Emotional Vocabulary

As humans we are creatures of habit. When it comes to our emotions and articulating them, we tend to stick to habitually describing them the same way over and over again. And then, we end up wondering why people don't really seem to understand when we tell them how we…
22 Oct 2023 11 min

#44 - Small Business Growth Is As Easy As 1-2-3

If you're an Entrepreneur or a start-up, you're likely to run into burn-out trying to grow and scale your business. In this episode I share 3 powerful tips that will help you to grow and scale your business while still having a life! I hope you find this content valuable…
26 Aug 2023 16 min

#43 - Guided Visualization | A Powerful Tool To Reach Your Desired State

Visualization has been around for decades and are used by some of the world's most successful people, from Olympic Champions to CEO's of Fortune 500 Companies. But what is it really and why does it work? In this episode, I share some of the bonus benefits of visualization as well…
27 Jun 2023 18 min

#41 - Can you really have a life you love?

Can you really have a life you love? Or are you destined to live the "cards you've been dealt"? In this episode I share a module from my Ultimate Life Transformation Program Advanced Level where we take a deep dive into getting into the drivers seat of your life and…
27 Feb 2023 16 min

#38 - Money Mindset Matters

Money and success are tow areas that many of us struggle to transform. The beliefs we've been handed about money and success from a very young age by our caregivers, society and the world we live in are deeply rooted in our subconscious minds. But as with any area we…
8 Sep 2022 15 min

#35 - Love Others AS You Love Yourself Not Instead Of Yourself | Self-Care

Are you feeling depleted, tired, stressed and burnt out, while everyone else around you is thriving thanks to you? Are some areas of your life falling apart while another area of your life is thriving? Then this episode is for YOU! In this episode you'll get some insight into why…
21 Mar 2022 13 min

#33 - How To Transform A Negative Emotion | Feel Good INSTANTLY!

We all have our ups and downs. Some days we feel on top of the world and other days it feels like the world is on our shoulders. Negative Emotions are golden nuggets when you know how to use them to promote your own personal growth, healing, evolution and transformation…
13 Jan 2022 15 min

#32 - The Real Problem In Every Situation | This Changed My Life

Lets be honest, its easier to look at the details of the story, at what happened or what he or she said or did that caused us to feel bad. But the details of the story aren't really the problem. In this episode I share what the real problem is…
14 Dec 2021 9 min
1 – 20