#30 - We Can Choose To Conform Or Transform | With Christopher Geel from Exploring Possibility

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Once the Personal Growth bug bites you there's really no turning back.

Especially when you begin to see the results of it showing up in your life.

But how can we apply Personal Growth to our daily lives, especially now in a time where most of the world is in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic?

This week's episode of Breakthrough is a little different than usual but it is JAM PACKED with transformational tips and tools that you can use to really begin to create the life you love, no matter what things look like right now.

In this episode myself and Christopher Geel, the host of a podcast called Exploring Possibility chat about Personal Growth and Transformation.

We share our own personal transformational growth journeys and dive deeper into what the journey holds for each of us individually and as a collective.

Christopher's life mission is to help individuals become the best and highest version of themselves and expand their experience. He believes in people and their potential, even when they don't. His mission: Expand Human Potential.

He is currently the franchisee of two locations for Adventure Boot Camp and plays a massive role in changing women's lives through fitness boot camps.

Christopher is also the podcast host for a show called Exploring Possibility which engages with influential, inspiring, impactful and thought-provoking individuals. The show is based on personal growth, mindset and impact.

Christopher is obsessed to inspire, empower and guide his community of people towards transformation. He helps individuals expand their growth by equipping them with the tools, connections and insights to tap into their potential.

GET IN TOUCH BY EMAIL: admin@mickeyroothman.com

27 May 2020 English South Africa Self-Improvement · Business

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