Get Up & Go Breakfast - Awareness Health - Dr Wendy Christien
Wendy is a wellness practitioner and an health coach at Intergrated Health Solutions and she helps us ensure we manage our bodies well, to get the best out of them.
English South AfricaHealth & Fitness · Christianity
When we still feel tired despite having slept well, there could be some other underlying reasons, including: Stress or anxiety Hormonal imbalances and underlying health conditions Nutritional deficiencies Lack of physical activity Other lifestyle factors In this episode we look at Stress, anxiety and hormonal…
In this 2nd part of Dr Wendy's chat around sleep, she shares on hormone regulation and more. Proper sleep is important for the regulation of our hormones and is also important in children for their growth and development. Sleep supports the release of growth hormone, which is essential for growth…
Glucose is a type of sugar we get from the foods we eat, and it is what our bodies use for energy. Insulin is the hormone that the body produces in response to the foods we eat and is necessary to transport the glucose from our bloodstream into our cells…
Sleep is a fundamental aspect of overall health and wellbeing. It plays a crucial role in many of our physical, mental, and emotional processes so it is important for us to understand its importance and the health benefits thereof. From a physical health perspective, sleep is important for restoration and…
Emotional eating happens when we eat in response to emotional cues rather than physical hunger. Hormonal imbalances can significantly influence these tendencies towards emotional eating. In Part 2, Dr Wendy walks us through the lifestyle factors and hormonal conditions that can disrupt our hormones and influence emotional eating.
Emotional eating happens when we eat in response to emotional cues rather than physical hunger. Hormonal imbalances can significantly influence these tendencies towards emotional eating.
Fruits and vegetables are available all year round, but eating those that are in season is more beneficial than eating those that aren’t. In this episode, Wendy shares more on vegetables that are in season and what we can enjoy from each kind and colour and how it benefits our…
Fruits and vegetables are available all year round, but eating those that are in season is more beneficial than eating those that aren’t. Dr Wendy takes us through the various reasons why…
There are many reasons why we can crave foods that are not the healthiest options for us to be eating. These can be due to a combination of biological, psychological, and/or environmental factors. Biological factors such as evolution, brain chemistry and hormones can play a role in the types of…
Proper hydration in winter is just as important as it is in summer, although it's easy to overlook since we tend not to be as thirsty when the weather is cold. Dr Wendy guides you on how to stay well-hydrated during the colder months
Iron is an essential element which is not made by the body. Iron is needed for the production of blood and our bodies rely on the foods we eat for a healthy supply of iron. As iron stores start to become depleted there may not be noticeable symptoms so it…
The bladder is a hollow organ that is about the size of a grapefruit and its main purpose is to store urine that has been processed by the kidneys. Most people don’t think too much about their bladders, but when it isn’t as healthy as it should be it can…
Our heart rhythm is a crucial indicator of how well our hearts are functioning and how efficiently blood is being pumped throughout our bodies. In Part 3, Dr Wendy looks at how our food and drink choices can have an effect on our heart rhythm.
Maintaining a normal heart rhythm is important for efficient blood circulation and to manage symptoms to prevent more chronic conditions from developing. A normal heart rhythm ensures that our blood is pumped efficiently to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all parts of our bodies and to remove waste products. This…
Our heart rhythm is a crucial indicator of how well our hearts are functioning and how efficiently blood is being pumped throughout our bodies. The rhythm of the heart is controlled by electrical signals that coordinate the contraction and relaxation of the heart's chambers. A regular and stable heart rhythm…
Have you ever worked or lived somewhere that makes you feel sick, but the symptoms clear up when you spend time away from these places? Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) may be the reason. Some people can experience acute health problems that seem to be linked directly to time spent in…
Stress can contribute to weight gain through several interconnected mechanisms like: Hormonal Changes, Cravings for High-Calorie Foods, Disrupted Eating Patterns and more. Dr Wendy walks us through how stress affects us and how to best combat it, and how it makes us feel.
Many of us don’t give attention to our breathing and we breathe more shallowly than we should be. When we don't breathe deeply enough, several physiological and psychological effects can occur. Dr Wendy walks us through these effects in the 2nd part of this series.
Most of us enjoy variety and so it can be quite tricky coming up with new ideas to keep our lunch boxes interesting and healthy. Planning is an essential part of any healthy lunch box. It is also important to involve our children if we want them to eat what…
Deep breathing, which is also referred to as diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing, is not only beneficial for out physical health but also for our mental and emotional wellbeing. Many of us don’t give attention to our breathing and we breathe more shallowly than we should be. When we don't…
25 Apr 2024
10 min
1 – 20
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