Team South Africa’s Commonwealth Games performance with Lindsey Parry
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The South African triathlon team performed out of their socks at the 2014 Commonwealth Game in Glasgow. The team that consisted of Gillian Saunders, Kate Roberts, Richard Murray, Henri Schoeman and Wian Sullwald really delivered at the games.On this edition of Tri Talk SA we chat to South Africa’s national triathlon coach, Lindsey Parry, to dissect the team’s performance.Lindsey tells us about the men’s race, where Richard Murray finished third to claim the bronze, the ladies race and then the amazing team triathlon where South Africa finished second.Lindsey breaks down each of the race and tells us where he thinks our athletes did well and where they can improve.The coach also told us who he thinks was the ‘man (or woman) of the match’ during the team triathlon and in his opinion set up the second place finish.If you would like to subscribe to Tri Talk SA you can on iTunes here, Stitcher here or on Soundcloud here. Don’t forget you can also follow us on Twitter or Like us on Facebook.