Would Keri go as far as kissing a snake?

Today on Darren Maule's Get Fact'd, when Darren mentioned the word snake, everyone seemed to be frightened except for Keri.
13 Jul 2022 2AM English South Africa Society & Culture · Daily News

Other recent episodes

Darren, Sky, and Carmen MISSING IN ACTION! Where are they?

On Wednesday morning Darren, Sky, and Carmen were missing in action! For the first time in History East Coast Breakfast was off-air! Where could they be? Where did they go? What's the word on the ground? Have a listen on ecr.co.za to see if you can figure out where they…
28 Aug 1AM 2 min

Dodgy advice for a first date

East Coast Breakfast's Executive Producer, WR Van Der Merwe, is going on his first date with a girl he met on a dating app. Darren, Sky, and Carmen have been out of the dating game for a while, so they decided to enlist your help ... and unfortunately also the…
27 Aug 2AM 11 min

IMPORTANT: The safest place to put your child's car seat

This morning on East Coast Breakfast with Darren, Sky, and Carmen, a new mum reached out to ask a very important question that she could not find in any parenting book or Facebook group: Where do you put your child's car seat? There are as many opinions as there are…
26 Aug 2AM 12 min

When a simple question turns into a full-on on-air fight!

We are asking you What was the first word your child said, because Sky and Clarise had an argument about what Kai's word was. Clarise says it's Mommy and Sky says it's Daddy. Little did we know that this would lead to a full-on on-air argument between 2 people called…
22 Aug 2AM 11 min

Carmen Reddy's hotel room antics come back to bite her

This week Carmen Reddy returned from The Oyster Box with some gifts for the East Coast Breakfast team. The gifts were unconventional, and obviously taken from a Hotel Room ... moments later Roberto Rosa, GM of The Oyster Box knocked on the studio door, and nobody expected his response! Listen…
21 Aug 2AM 16 min