The unknown God
Bishop Lucky Moloantoa addresses the concept of the "unknown God" as mentioned in Acts 17:16-23. In this passage, Paul, while waiting in Athens, was deeply troubled by the city's rampant idol worship. Paul saw that the people were searching for something greater, but their pursuit led them to worship various idols.
Similarly, in South Africa today, we see a rise in idol worship as people desperately seek solutions for their lives. They are yearning for a connection with God but are uncertain about the path to Him. It is our responsibility to stand up and provide the guidance and answers needed to lead this world away from its idols and towards the true and living God.
Similarly, in South Africa today, we see a rise in idol worship as people desperately seek solutions for their lives. They are yearning for a connection with God but are uncertain about the path to Him. It is our responsibility to stand up and provide the guidance and answers needed to lead this world away from its idols and towards the true and living God.