OFM Nuusbestuurder, Morné van Rooyen, skop ons twee-pot aftree-stelsel reeks af deur met Eric Jordaan van Crue Invest te gesels. Dit is die eerste deel van die reeks waar hulle die grondbeginsels van die stelsel bespreek
We continue discussing the Companies Amendment Act with Laurence Grubb Master Reward Specialist and Exco Member at the South African Reward Association (SARA). He says government needs to publish the implementation dates of the changes in the act and publish regulations accompanying some of those changes which will aid understanding…
In 'n onlangse prestasie het Virseker die gesogte toekenning as beste korttermynversekeraar in die Ask Afrika Orange Index® verower. Hierdie toekenning, wat al 23 jaar lank 'n toonaangewende maatstaf is van uitnemendheid in kliëntediens, dek 26 industrieë en 200 handelsmerke. Meer as 48 000 kliënte se terugvoer word in ag…
We discuss the Companies Amendment Act with Laurence Grubb Master Reward Specialist and Exco Member at the South African Reward Association (SARA). The amendments require companies in the country to disclose their remuneration reports, policies and the pay gap between the highest and lowest-paid employees amongst other things. Grubb says…
Ons hoor by Nettie de Beer, verkoopsbestuurder van Mahareng, die besigheid wat Bloemfontein Courant en Get It Bloemfontein publiseer, oor vanjaar se Best of Bloem leserskeuse-toekennings.
South African businesses are optimistic about the strides made in clearing the visa backlog, but speed may come at a cost. Marisa Jacobs, Managing Director of Xpatweb, shares insights on the OFM Business Hour about the delicate balance between efficiency and accuracy in visa approvals following encouraging engagements with Home…
The Sasol Rewards loyalty programme has attracted just over 1,8 million members in just two years. Telling us more about the new campaign around the programme is Zanele Hadebe - Vice President Strategic Marketing for Sasol Energy Marketing & Sales.
Onwettig ingevoerde (of grys) voertuie bly ’n hindernis vir Suid-Afrika en maak 7,5% van die land se motorvloot van 12,5 miljoen voertuie uit. Lizette Erasmus, Bestuurder van Versekeringkundigheid by IntegriSure Makelaars, het aan die OFM Sake-uur gesê dat hierdie motors, wat dikwels betrokke is by kriminele aktiwiteite as gevolg van…
Die Vryemarkstigting het ’n beroep op die nuwe regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) gedoen om af te sien van vernietigende arbeidsregulasies en om hindernisse te verlaag vir toetrede tot die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmag. Dr. Morné Malan van die Vryemarkstigting het met OFM se nuusredakteur hieroor gesels nadat die nuus bekend geword…
The Opening of the Free State Legislature took place earlier today, during which the Premier presented the State of the Province Address, which outlined key policy goals and deliverables for the coming year, as well as the provinces' effective response to the challenges met during the period under review. OFM…
The economic cost of Gender-based-violence South Africa is estimated to be between R28.4 billion and R42.4 billion annually, considering healthcare, legal costs, lost productivity, and social services. Lesley Ann van Selm, Founder and Managing Director of Khulisa Social Solutions, gives reasons why programmes are failing despite the investments being made.
In some better news: The value women bring to leadership and the boardroom is increasingly being acknowledged. Businesses are no longer simply looking to boost gender equity numbers; rather, they are diversifying leadership to ensure the future sustainability of a business in a world that requires a far more empathetic…
In some better news: The value women bring to leadership and the boardroom is increasingly being acknowledged. Businesses are no longer simply looking to boost gender equity numbers; rather, they are diversifying leadership to ensure the future sustainability of a business in a world that requires a far more empathetic…
The Opening of the Free State Legislature took place earlier today, during which the Premier presented the State of the Province Address, which outlined key policy goals and deliverables for the coming year, as well as the provinces' effective response to the challenges met during the period under review. OFM…
Dit mag dalk wees oor vroue soveel balle in die lug hou en ook in die laaste paar dekades toegetree het tot die mark as die hoofbroodwinners, dat hulle meer spanning ervaar wanneer dit kom by finansiële beplanning. So sê Amelia de Milander, die bemarkingsbestuurder van DebtBusters, ‘n maatskappy wat…
Charnie-Lee Adams Kruger, is die bestuurder van die Check Point Country, ‘n internasionale kuberveiligheids-maatskappy. Sy is een van Afrika se min vroue kundiges in die veld van kuberveiligheid en sê die beroep moet meer vroue trek. Charnie-Lee gesels met Karen van der Berg van OFM oor waarom daar nog hindernisse…
Vroue het tradisioneel baie rolle op te vervul, en dit bly moeilik om al die take balanseer. Vroue voel oor die algemeen oorweldig deur al die verantwoordelikhede, en dra meer skuldgevoelens oor hulle gedrewenheid in hulle beroepe. Dr Lindi Nel, ‘n kliniese sielkunige Bloemfontein van Bloemfontein gesels met Karen van…
7 Aug 2024 12PM
3 min
1 – 20
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