#010 Violence and Harassment - Another burden for the employer?
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Draft Code on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment with Sarah Levy (Levy Africa Network)
Understanding the New Draft Code on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and the five significant changes that are introduced into South African labour law including the bringing together of violence including gender based violence with harassment and a broader list of those who can be perpetrators and victims of sexual harassment. Andrew and Sarah discuss the significant expansions brought about by the introduction of the concept of the world of work, as well as the impact of technology and social media in perpetuating and covering up harassment. Sarah then goes on to discuss the introduction of bullying into the code, and distinguishes it from mobbing.
Understanding the New Draft Code on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and the five significant changes that are introduced into South African labour law including the bringing together of violence including gender based violence with harassment and a broader list of those who can be perpetrators and victims of sexual harassment. Andrew and Sarah discuss the significant expansions brought about by the introduction of the concept of the world of work, as well as the impact of technology and social media in perpetuating and covering up harassment. Sarah then goes on to discuss the introduction of bullying into the code, and distinguishes it from mobbing.