Bedtime Stories (kids) 03 | Cheeky and Chirpy Solve a Crime: A Tale of Problem-Solving
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Cheeky and Chirpy Solve a Crime: A Tale of Problem-Solving
(African Tales) Cheeky and Chirpy are sent to market by their mother. They are accosted along the way by a Robber Duck who steals their seeds and flies away,
The chicks are upset. The duck can fly and they cannot. They realise that the seed dropped by Robber Duck have created a trail that leads to the villian's nest. Robber Duck goes to Bird Prison and the chicks go home to their worried mother.
(African Tales) Cheeky and Chirpy are sent to market by their mother. They are accosted along the way by a Robber Duck who steals their seeds and flies away,
The chicks are upset. The duck can fly and they cannot. They realise that the seed dropped by Robber Duck have created a trail that leads to the villian's nest. Robber Duck goes to Bird Prison and the chicks go home to their worried mother.